Innovative Organic Growing

At Indian Neck Organics, we go beyond standard organic growing practices to embrace regenerative agriculture. We are careful stewards of the land and the natural ecosystem around us. Dedicated to holistic land management, we know that healthy soil is the key to healthy bodies and a healthy planet. As a result our produce is better for you and better for the environment. What we grow is a true expression of the North Fork climate, culture and community that is our heritage.


North Fork Tradition

Our Values

  • Our organic system plan (OSP) incorporates a strategic and experienced form of agriculture on our farm. The buffer zones, the applied amendments, the tillage equipment and the dedication to improving our results with responsible inputs.

  • Our timing, reincorporation of organic matter, awareness of beneficial insects and reduction in tillage helps us focus on a better soil profile each season.

  • Being a responsible steward of the land, the ecosystem, the wildlife and habitat now, will create a better opportunity for future generations. Each decision we make on the farm has our ethics and mission in mind.

  • Harboring a close eye on our beneficial insect population we are able to monitor the threat and threshold of growing challenges in the disease and insect worlds. By utilizing a range of plant species and natural amendments we are cultivating and enriching the soil ecology and the environment that we grow.

  • Proximity to our fields our packing house and to our customers helps us guarantee and uphold the highest standard of nutrition, taste and presentation.

Our Practices

Growing naturally is an evolutionary practice. A balance of environmental and natural conditions help us determine each element involved in our organic system. We are a USDA certified organic farm via NOFA-NY and do everything we can to cultivate abundance on our land.

Soil Health

Crops grown in living soil are healthier, stronger and more nutrient dense. We build soil quality by adding natural biomass and cultivating beneficial organisms.

Water Quality

Long Island is unique due to our purified underground aquifers. The agricultural heritage of our microclimate was and still is shaped by the quality of water we have to irrigate our crops.

Specialty Cultivars

Quality, flavor, nutrition - are all valued more than yield, performance and shelf life. We carefully select and grow unique varieties designed to delight the palate.

Integrated Pest Management

We have a responsible practice to the birds and the bees. We manage our insects, wildlife and diseases under a careful eye and when thresholds are met. Natural OMRI approved amendments at key times are applied to our fields responsibly.

Crop Rotation

This technique works to interrupt insect and annual weed life cycles, suppress soil borne plant diseases, prevent soil erosion, build organic matter, fix nitrogen, break compaction, attract beneficial insects and cycle nutrients.

Local Sustainability

The future of our food system on the North Fork remains in the hands of those who produce food from within the community. We are committed to cultivating our land responsibly.

Our Farmers